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- ------------------------- Worm Wars IV By Colej_uk --------------------------
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- i) Running the game & getting started
- ii) Missions & Saving
- iii) Skirmish/Arcade mode
- iv) Troubleshooting/FAQ
- v) Credits
- i) Running the game & getting started:
- To launch the game you must be running your PC in a resolution of at least 800*600 (for
- details on how to change this see Troubleshooting/FAQ).
- Once you launch the game, you will be greeted with a login box. If this is your first time
- running the game, enter your name in the box and press ok. If you've logged in before,
- and progressed on the missions you must type your loggin name you used before if you want
- to load your progress. If you forget your login name, see Troubleshootin/FAQ on how to get
- it back.
- This loggin process means you can have an infinite number of different players, each with
- their own progress saved. For example your friend could create a new loggin name and start a new
- game and it won't effect your progress.
- Once you have logged in you will reach the menu screen. Here you can choose a number of
- options or start a game.
- If you are new to Worm Wars, it is highly recommended that you try the training mission
- and maybe have a peek at the unit database to familiarise yourself with the weapons, units
- controls ect. If you want to try out your skills before starting a new game, you can
- also start a quick skirmish mission (see part iii).
- The (default) controls are simple; Arrow keys to move, control to fore, shift to change
- weapon, enter to skip dialog/cutscene, home to change music track, Alt+F4 to quit the game
- completely. There is also an F5 panic key. Player 2 controls are W, A, S, D, Space and V.
- You can change the movement and weapon controls by pressing F8 at any time in the game
- and selecting Game -> players, or by pressing control+Y.
- ii) Missions & saving:
- Once you've learned the basic skills, you're ready to start the story mode (missions).
- Each mission has it's own objective(s) which are displayed at the top in the light blue
- bubble. Dialog is also displayed here (press 'enter' to move onto the next dialog scene).
- At the top is also a circle which has your health displayed in red bars around it
- and your current weapon inside the circle (cahnge this by pressing shift if you have
- collected other weapons).
- If you complete a mission, you will go to the mission complete screen, here you can save
- your progress. It will also show you your total score, time for that level and time
- taken to the campaign so far.
- If you complete certain missions in certain times you can unlock special environments and
- characters for the skirmish/arcade mode and unlock single player minigames and secret
- levels!
- iii) Skirmish/Arcade mode:
- This is like a practise area for Worm Wars. You can team up with a friend if you want
- using the two player option. The gameplay is similar to that in the missions, except
- it doens't scroll. Once you destroy a 'wave' of ants, it will move onto the next and
- slightly harder 'wave'. The objective is just to see how high you can score.
- If you are playing 2 player, you can touch each other to give some extra health.
- iv) Troubleshooting/FAQ:
- Now thats all that stuff out the way, this is what you opened the readme for wasn't it?
- Q:The screen is weird, and I can't see all the playfield!
- A:Your screen res. is set to below 800*600. To change this, right click on your desktop,
- and select properties. Go to the settigns tab and change the slider to read 800*600 or higher.
- The best resolution for the game is 1024*768 or higher.
- IMPORTANT: If you have an old PC, it might not support higher resolutions in which case the
- screen will turn black. Don't panic, windows will restore the original res in 15 seconds.
- Q: When I try to start the game, it says someting about a missig DLL file!
- A: The DLL files you need to run the game should be included, but if they aren't, you can find
- them here: www.colejuk.tk place them in the same folder as the game or your windows, system
- folder.
- Q: Sometimes when the screen is busy, I fire and no bullet comes out!
- A: This is caused by the limit of 'Active objects' (moving objects) being reached in the games
- factory engine. If you wait a little, the game should sort itself out and you will be
- able to fire again. This problem occurs mostly when there are large numbers of units on screen
- at once.
- Q: Why is there no flame-thrower in skirmish/arcade mode?
- A: The flame-thrower using a lot of 'Active Objects' as described above, aracde mode has
- load of units onscreen at one time (especially with 2 players), so to keep the problem
- described above to a minimum, the flame-thrwoer was taken out of the Arcade/Skirmish mode.
- Q: The sound is jammed up and replays the same sample over and over!
- A: This is another one of those internal games facory things. This rarely happens, but if it
- does, then save and reboot your machine, unless you choose to ignore it.
- Q: My programs run slow and the sound is fuzzy after I exit the game!
- A: This is a very rare occurance, But if it does happen, make sure the game is closed. Then
- quit everything. If it still happens, reboot. This might be due to the game taking up too
- much memory. Greedy thing.
- Q: The game runs slowly or it keeps jolting evry now and then!
- A: Make sure you close all programs before launching th game.If this problem pursists, you
- can turn some of the effects down in the options menu to make it run more smoothly.
- Q: Help! I can't remember my loggin name! ARRRRRG!!!
- A: You can recover any loggin name you've previuosly used. Do a find on "WW4_LOG_RECOVER.ini"
- on your hard drive. It should find a file with that name. Stored in this file is a list of
- Names you've previously used to log in with -along with stats. Note; you can't edit the stats
- in this file to cheat in the game, so don't even think about it ;)
- Q: Can I put Worm Wars (or any other game made by Colej_uk) on my Site/Disk/Magazine?
- A: Yes, you can distribute any of my freeware games, you don't need to e-mail me asking my
- permission, but please could you send an e-mail saying that you did so: colej_uk@yahoo.co.uk
- V) Credits:
- Designed and produced by:
- Cole Jefferies
- Concept:
- Cole Jefferies
- Partack
- Joe Collinson (KlikmAster)
- Richard Large
- Graphics:
- Cole Jefferies
- Sound Effects:
- Worms Arrmageddon
- HL: Counter-Strike
- HL: Day Of Defeat
- Serious Sam
- Music:
- Midi:
- Warfare (command & conquer)
- Action (command & conquer)
- Prowl (command & conquer)
- Drake's Theme (advance wars)
- Andy's Theme (advance wars)
- Sami's Theme (advance wars)
- Sturm's Theme (advance wars)
- Aditional Music:
- Jarmo Lahriranta (worms midi theme)
- Programming:
- Cole Jefferies
- Beta Testers:
- Partack
- Joe Collinson
- Richard Large
- Vigge Halburg
- Chris Ball
- Plugins:
- Direction Calculator (Phillip Williams)
- 1000 Global Values (Jamie beatson)
- Slider Bar Object (by ???)
- Digital Music Control 2 (Izzysoft)
- Helpers:
- Cole Jefferies
- Partack- the offical beta tester
- Joe Collinson- The other beta tester guy
- Richard Large
- Chris Ball
- Peter Baker
- Paul Jackson
- Also Thanks to:
- Vigge Halburg
- Clickteam
- The Daily Click
- Winsite
- Total Klik
- Planet Klik
- Quickfox Hosting
- KlikmAster
- Storm Productions
- Paul Jackson
- Richard Large
- Chris Ball
- And a huge thanks to anyone I've forgotten to include in the credits list :)